Become a leader in the classroom with all of the necessary skills and knowledge to create a conducive learning environment for special education students.
M.A. 特殊的Edu. 教师领导概述
拥有推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站在线硕士特殊教育教师领导学位, you will get the opportunity to expand your credentials and acquire the required knowledge to meet the unique challenges presented in special education. 你将能够为有情感的学生创造一个强大的学习环境, 行为和学习障碍. The program is taught by education faculty in collaboration with area school district personnel and aligns with the necessities of P-12 schools.
通过在线教师领导特殊教育硕士, you will develop a teacher leader professional growth plan that is based on a self-评估 of your teacher leadership skills and input from school principals. 您还将为教育建立有效的管理和研究技能.
The degree provides experiences in test administration and interpretation as it is applied to diverse learners and making eligibility, 这些学生的推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站和安置决定. 您还将探索改善学生课堂行为的有效策略, 还有基本面, 用于确保所有学生在学业上取得成功的评估过程和策略. 除了, 你将探索开发和评估数学和阅读教学的实用方法.
在本课程中,还需要进行实际操作的行动研究实习. 通过实习, 你将在一组学生中发现一个学习问题, 研究调解方法, 实施干预措施并收集和分析结果数据. 然后你将向你的同事或地区内的某个人展示你的发现.
Campbellsville University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). 坎贝尔斯维尔的教育推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站是由 教育工作者准备资格认证委员会 (制定),并获得批准 肯塔基州教育专业标准委员会 (EPSB)的教师教育和认证. The fully online degree offers the flexibility and convenience of being able to complete coursework when it best fits your schedule. 此外,该推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的教师在特殊教育领域具有实际经验.
The online master’s in special education teacher leader program includes 30 credit hours and takes approximately two years to complete.
ED 655:授权教师领导
候选人制定教师领导专业成长计划, 基于教师领导能力的自我评估及校长的意见. 他们将为会议确定一个主题
在他们的课堂上实施行动研究推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站.ED 665:研究方法
确定推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站参与者(必须来自他们自己的教室).ED 670:行动研究实习I
The action research project is the heart of the work in the Campbellsville University teacher leader masters program. Practicum I builds upon knowledge gained in ED 665 in which a variety of research methods are explored with a focus on action research. 在本次实习中,对行动研究推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站进行了细化和实施. 这种形式的自我反思探究, 在老师的指导下进行自己的练习, 计划实施时是否需要调整. 通过行动研究杂志和在线讨论板进行定期反思的做法仍在继续, 提供反馈并对反思性写作进行分析. 研究时间表被审查、更新和调整. 制定报告结果的计划,并将其添加到研究时间表中. 构建适当的表格、图表和图形来支持研究. Ethical considerations of these research projects are reviewed again and carefully assessed with regard to how they may be utilized in educational decision-making. The 老师领导 Professional Growth Plan is reviewed upon with progress reported via collegial discussions and reflections.
ED 675:行动研究实习II
推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站实施(教授、同行、学校专业学习社区). 老师领导 Professional Growth Plan is monitored and progress reported through collegial discussions and in a reflection paper.ed690:教学监督
肯塔基大学教师实习计划的教师. 他们将准备担任监督学生教师和实习生的角色. 他们将向同龄人做报告, 他们学校的专业学习社区, 和SBDM理事会执行行动研究推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的结果. 教师领导专业成长计划将被评估.ED 696:改善学生课堂行为的有效策略
Candidates will refine their knowledge and understanding of behavioral 评估 and intervention strategies that have been effective for individuals with a wide range of disabilities. 他们将设计和实施全面的行为管理计划.
SED 695:不同学习者的高级评估和教学策略
This course will provide appropriate pertinent experiences in test administration and interpretation applied to diverse learners and informed use of 评估 data. 正式成绩测试和非正式评估措施的管理者将
讨论. 重点将放在为不同的学习者制定资格、推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站和安置决定上. 学生的学习是教育学院概念框架的核心, such advanced experiences related to 评估 and using such 评估s effectively to design appropriate responses to student work is crucial to classroom and student success.SED 696:改善学生课堂行为的有效策略
This course is designed to provide students with knowledge and understanding of behavioral 评估 and intervention strategies that have been effective for individuals with a wide range of disabilities including: EBD, LD, 多党民主运动, 和自闭症. 学生将学会(a)
识别和评估问题行为, (b)设计和实施行为干预措施, (c)设计能够防止问题行为的学习环境, (d)在教育环境中应用行为程序, (e)了解生物之间的相互联系, 认知, 社会, 以及行为的情感维度.SED 697:学习障碍:所有学生成功的基础、评估和策略
所有学习者都有自己独特的特点、兴趣和能力. Educators are responsible for connecting instructional planning to individual strengths and needs of learners with disabilities. 这门高级课程旨在加深学生对所有学习者的理解. 学生将回顾联邦和州对特殊学习障碍的定义, 支援服务的资格标准, 管理这种服务的规章制度, 以及所有教师对轻中度学习障碍学生的教学责任. 理论, 当前的问题,如学生的文化和语言多样性, 包容, 针对不同学习者的差异化教学, 不同的评估过程, 早期干预策略和基于标准的教育改革运动得到了广泛的讨论. 本课程将提供策略,使教学和学习更有效
不同的学校.SED 698:设计和评估有效的数学教学
The primary focus of this course is an in-depth examination of the 教学 of 数学 to children with learning and behavioral disorders. The overall context in which these researched-based best practices are considered are the national curricular reforms in
数学. 很明显, 这门课程主要涉及教育学领域, 以及它与主题的关系, 课程, 以及教学内容知识. Specific attention is provided in this course to the 教学 that responds to the reform recommendations identified by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
Candidates will demonstrate their understanding of best practice 数学 instruction for exceptional children through a case-study project.SED 699:阅读理论与实践
本课程着重于有效的阅读指导, 教师知识建设, 评估, 有效的实践, 差异化教学和家庭/家庭联系. Teachers will learn evidence-based reading strategies to become highly effective reading teachers who understand how to use Response to Intervention (RTI) with all students and students with special needs. Field experiences provide opportunities for teachers to collaborate with public school practitioners to help a struggling reader.
为了申请推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站认可的在线特殊教育证书, 准学生必须提交或填写以下材料:
- 完成 在线申请
- 官方成绩单申请表格(通过Adobe Sign). 在大多数情况下,这将允许我们代表您要求您的成绩单.
- 以前和现在就读的所有学院或大学的正式成绩单
- 2.本科总绩点75分或3分.在过去的30个小时里都没有
- 教师证书复印件
- 一页的基本理论论文为研究生学习
- Submit three names and email addresses of professional references to your enrollment counselor for School of 教育 requirements
成本 & 金融援助
在线特殊教育硕士学位每学时收费319美元. 为了帮助学生支付学费, 推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的工作人员可以与学生一起发现可用的经济援助选择.
学生可以填写表格 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA),了解他们可以获得哪些奖学金、助学金、贷款和付款计划. 有很多选择,并不是所有的经济援助都是基于需要.
A maximum of 12 credit hours from a regionally accredited college or university can be transferred into this program.
推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站是一所军事友好学校,也是黄丝带计划的骄傲成员. Students who are currently serving at home or abroad or are veterans can further their education in a conducive online environment.
在我们的在线硕士特殊教育教师领导计划毕业后, 你可以从事特殊教育教师的职业. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)指出,特殊教育教师的平均工资为58美元,截至2017年5月,每年980美元, 到2026年,该职位的就业率预计将增长8%.
你的生活经历把你带到了这里,我们的课程旨在帮助你走得更远. 通过科罗拉多大学的全面教育,体验持续的个人和专业成长.
成立于1906年,最初是一所基督教大学, Campbellsville honors this legacy by cultivating a supportive and diverse online community that prepares students to become compassionate leaders.
科罗拉多大学致力于为学生提供负担得起和方便的教育. 由于网络课程的灵活性,你可以按照自己的条件完成学位.
Campbellsville University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award certificates, 联系, 学士学位, 硕士和博士学位. 联络南巷1866号大学委员会, 迪凯特, 佐治亚州30033-4097或致电404-679-4500查询推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的状况.
Campbellsville University offers several dynamic online degrees so that students can continue their education and hone their skills. 坎贝尔斯维尔的在线校园被众多媒体评为最好的校园之一. 该机构的教职员工在各自的领域都有实际经验, 这样学生们就可以对他们未来的职业生涯有一个大致的了解. 学生也可以方便地将在线课程安排在繁忙的日程中.
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